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[D] It is dangerous to speculate in the contemporary art market.

 Text 2

They have been writers and actors, entertainers and creators. They have won Academy Awards and received critical acclaim. They have graced the covers of magazines.

In the arts and entertainment world, women have made a myriad of contributions to what we know as popular culture. Although many female celebrities may be known more for their figures than their talents, women remain more than just pretty faces. Women’s History Month promises to take a look back at the influential female lives and legacies that have shaped our society.

In this century alone, a number of famous females have made their artistic marks. In the literary world, women such as Sylvia Plath and Colette composed celebrated works, establishing themselves as creative writers to be reckoned with. Colette, a prolific French novelist, tackled weighty themes such as the woman’s struggle for independence. Her catalog of works includes celebrated novels such as Cheri and The Pure and the Impure. Plath, renowned for her suicide as much as for her writing, wrote The Bell Jar as well as a wealth of poetry.

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