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[B]The key to Szilard’s effectiveness and influence was his sense of responsibility for making the world a better place. Once he decided that something should be done, he devoted enormous energy, resourcefulness, and audacity to advancing his proposal.

[C]But Szilard was not expecting to be influential in policy debates just because he was a scientist. An avid newspaper reader, he was extremely well informed about public affairs.

[D]The Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb was an unprecedented federal investment in research, and questions about how to use the insights of nuclear physics for military and civilian purposes brought scientists into direct conversation with the nation’s leaders.

[E]Not everything that Szilard advocated was wise; reason sometimes overwhelmed common sense. Still, his life illustrates important lessons for scientists who want to influence public policy.

[F]Indeed, it was the scientific hyper-rationality of someone like Szilard that Roald Hoffman had in mind when he questioned why scientists shouldn’t run the world.

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